Planning Rule Archives

2012 Planning Rule Documents


Eight National Forests Selected as First to Implement Planning Rule of 2012

National forests in Alaska, California, Idaho, New Mexico, and Puerto Rico were selected as the first to revise their land management plans using the new National Forest System Planning Rule. Click here to read the press release for more information.


The process for developing the planning rule will go through several stages.  Select Overview of Rulemaking Process for more information; the  NEPA process is also discussed.

Draft Concepts for the Proposed Rule Content:  Initial ideas on how to address a variety of topics in the proposed rule are located on our former blog; explore past posts from the public.


Further Information

2012 Preferred Alternative and Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement
2011 Proposed Planning Rule
2011 Draft Environmental Impact Statement
2009 Notice of Intent
Public Collaboration and Involvement 
Proposed Directives Webpage