
ABDOMEN. Region of the body posterior to cephalothorax, consisting of six body segments and telson.

ACUMEN. Pointed apical part (tip) of rostrum, frequently delineated basally by marginal spines.

ANNULUS VENTRALIS. Crayfish seminal receptacle, consisting of median sclerite between fourth and fifth pereiopods; the spermatophore receptacle on sternum of female.

ANTENNA. Whiplike, generally long sensory organ arising from anterior region of cephalothorax.

ANTENNAL SCALE. Bladelike exopod of antenna situated at base of antenna.

ANTENNAL SPINE. Spine on, or adjacent to, anterior margin of carapace and ventral to orbit.

ANTENNULE. One of pair of appendages of first cephalic somite; "first antenna".

ANTERIOR. Front end of organism; "head end."

APICAL. Apex; tip.

AREOLA. Dorsomedial area (usually hourglass shaped) of thoracic region of carapace of crayfishes, bounded laterally by paired arched (branchiocardiac) grooves delineating dorsomedial limits of gill chamber.

BASIS. Second segment (from proximal end) of segmented appendage.

BOSS. An expanded portion (rounded protuberance) on mesial surface of coxa of fourth pereiopod of male crayfishes.

BRANCHIOSTEGAL SPINE. Short spine situated on or near anterior margin of carapace, ventral to antennal spine in shrimps; in crayfishes, located immediately ventral to anterior extremity of cervical groove.

BURROWER. Crayfishes (usually all) that spend some or nearly all of their life history in confines of excavated burrow.

PRIMARY. Crayfishes that spend almost entire lives in subterranean galleries.

SECONDARY. Crayfishes that spend much of their lives in burrows but frequently move into open water during rainy seasons.

TERTIARY. Crayfishes that live in open water and retreat to burrows in response to several factors: a) to remain below frost line during winter, b) females enter as period of ovulation approaches and remain in burrows to lay and brood eggs, c) to find protective cover and to avoid desiccation as water bodies disappear.

CARAPACE. "Shield" (exoskeleton) overlying cephalothoracic somites of body.

CARAPACE LENGTH. In shrimps, distance from posterior margin of orbit to midcaudodorsal margin of carapace; in crayfishes, distance from tip of rostrum to midcaudodorsal margin of carapace.

CARINA. Median middorsal ridge on rostrum; oriented parallel to lateral margins of rostrum.

CARPUS. Fifth segment from proximal end of segmented appendage.

CAUDAL. Posterior (rear, tail) end of organism.

CENTRAL PROJECTION. Terminal projection on crayfish male gonopod formed by fusion of two processes; poorly developed in second form male; located centrally on apex of Procambarus gonopod, distally on that of Cambarus, Fallicambarus, and Orconectes.

CEPHALIC. Pertaining to head; of head.

CEPHALOTHORAX. Portion of body bearing eyes and all appendages through fifth pereiopod (fused head and thorax).

CERVICAL GROOVE. Major arclike suture (groove) on carapace of crayfish, dividing it into anterior (cephalic) and posterior (thoracic) regions.

CERVICAL SPINE. Spine on lateral surface of carapace immediately posterior to cervical groove of crayfishes.

CHELA. Forcepslike structure ("claw" or "pincer"), consisting of two opposed distal podomeres of first, second, and third pereiopods of crayfishes, first and second pereiopods of shrimps; dactyl (moveable finger) and propodus.

CHELIPED. Pereiopod bearing chela, in crayfish literature applied almost exclusively to first pereiopod.

CORNEOUS. Structures that are horny (sclerified), particularly as related to reproductive appendages (modified first pleopod) of first form males.

COXA. Proximal (first) segment of segmented appendage.

DACTYL. Distalmost segment of usually 7-segmented appendage; smaller, mesially situated, and moveable part of chela (moveable finger).

DISTAL. Away from body mid-line; toward apex (tips) of appendages.

DORSAL. Top or back of shrimp or crayfish.

DORSOLATERAL. Pertaining to the right or left side of the upper body surface orback.

EPIGEAN. Referring to above ground habitats as opposed to hypogean.

EPISTOME. Transverse plate (usually somewhat triangular in shape) situated ventrally and anterior to gnathal appendages of crayfishes.

EXOPOD. Lateral ramus of biramus appendage, originating on second segment (basis) from base.

EXOSKELETON. Outer covering of arthropods; "shell."

EXTENSOR SURFACE. Unopposed surface (face) of flexible podomere of an appendage (in opposition to opposed, flexor surface).

FINGER. One of two rami of chela; movable finger (dactyl) and immovable finger of opposable part of propodus.

FIRST FORM MALE. Sexually functional male crayfish (Cambaridae); at least one terminal element of first pleopod usually corneous.

GONOPOD. Pleopod in male modified for reproductive purposes.

HEPATIC AREA. Paired cephalolateral region to either side of carapace between orbit and cervical groove (in crayfishes).

HEPATIC SPINE. Spine situated near anterior margin of hepatic area of carapace of certain shrimps, or on hepatic area of cambarids.

HYPOGEAN. Subterranean; referring to beneath surface of earth; burrow or cave environment.

HYPORHEIC ZONE. Interstices formed in substrate of streams (between coarse sand, gravel, and cobble).

INCISOR PROCESS. Cutting surface (lobe) of mandible (as opposed to molar or grinding lobe).

ISCHIOPODITE. Third segment from base of a segmented appendage.

ISCHIUM. See ischiopodite.

LATERAL. Referring to or toward side.

MANDIBLE. most anterodorsally situated of gnathal appendages; one, of a pair, of heavily calcified jaws; the "teeth."

MAXILLA. One of a pair of two sets of gnathal appendages situated immediately posteroventral to mandibles.

MAXILLIPED. One of pair of three sets of gnathal appendages lying immediately posterior to second pair of maxillae.

MERUS. Fourth segment from proximal end of segmented appendage.

MESIAL. Referring to or toward middle.

MESIAL PROCESS. Terminal process located mesially on modified first pleopod (gonopod) of male cambarid crayfishes.

MOVABLE FINGER. (=dactyl); distalmost podomere of segmented appendage.

PALM. Expanded portion of propodus of chela situated proximal to "fingers".

PEREIOPOD (PEREOPOD). One of five pairs of appendages (legs) supporting cephalothorax; walking and chelate legs.

PLEOPOD. One of five pairs of appendages on first five abdominal segments ("swimmerets," or modified into male gonopod).

PLEURON. Lateral overhanging plate of abdominal segments.

PODOMERE. Single segment of any appendage.

POSTANNULAR PLATE. Medially situated sclerite (plate) immediately posterior to annulus ventralis.

POSTERIOR. Toward caudal or "hind" end.

POSTORBITAL CARAPACE LENGTH. Distance from orbit to mid-caudodorsal (posterior) margin of carapace.

PROPODUS. Penultimate segment (sixth from base) of segmented appendage.

PROXIMAL. Toward the body; that portion of appendage nearest body.

PUNCTATION. Small depression (pit).

ROSTRUM. Dorsomedian anterior projection of cephalothorax, in crayfishes partly covering eyestalks and bases of antennae and antennules.

SECOND MALE FORM. One of two morphological forms of male cambarids; sexually nonfunctional male ( II) lacking corneous terminal element on first pleopod (gonopod).

STERNUM. Midventral platelike surface of body, situated between coxae of appendages.

TELSON. Terminal (posterior) portion of abdomen; caudomedian element of "tail fan".

TUBERCLE. Low knoblike protuberance on exoskeleton.

UROPOD. Paired biramous appendage on sixth abdominal segment, lateral parts of "tail fan".

VENTRAL. On or toward underside.
