Acknowledgments & Literature Cited



I am grateful to the U.S.D.A. Forest Service, Ouachita National Forest, in Hot Springs, AR and in particular, Mr. Richard Standage, Forest Service Fishery Biologist, for the monetary and logistical support so graciously provided for the completion of this study. Special thanks go to Mrs. Betty Crump, Forest Service wildlife and fishery biologist, and the Caddo Ranger District for providing some logistical support and important maps of the Ouachita National Forest for this project, for providing me collections of certain Fallicambarus burrowers from Montgomery County, and for all the kindnesses shown during the four year study.

Sincere appreciation is also expressed to Mr. David Saugey, Jessieville District, who assisted me in the field with collection of crayfishes from his district. My deep admiration and heartfelt thanks are extended to all of these exemplary Forest Service representatives.

Thanks also are extended to Southern Arkansas University students, Nick Covington, Ken Ball, Jan Rader, and Sandy Jacobs who assisted with some of the collections of crayfishes in both the Arkansas and Oklahoma portions of the overall study of the ONF crayfishes.



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