Procambarus reimeri (Hobbs)


[Picture]:  Procambarus reimeri HobbsMap [dots indicate Ouachita National Forest collection sites]

Recognition Characters: Rostrum without marginal spines and median carina. Carapace lacking cervical spine or tubercle. Areola about 20.5 times as long as broad and constituting about 37.5 percent of total length of carapace. Postorbital ridge lacking cephalic spine or tubercle. Branchiostegal spine vestigial or absent. Ischium of third periopod of first form male with simple hook overreaching basioschial articulation. First pleopods reaching coxae of third periopods, symmetrical, bearing proximomesial spur and cephalic shoulder at base of terminal elements, lacking subterminal setae but with cephalomesial row of setae along distal third to half of appendage. Terminal elements consisting of (1) long, tapering, slightly curved mesial process extending distally beyond other terminals; (2) small acute slightly curved, but distally directed cephalic process at cephalic base of mesial process; (3) rather inconspicuous but composite central projection arising from between bases of cephalic, mesial and caudal processes, and closely associated with the latter; and (4) very prominent caudal process subacute and obscuring central projection in lateral aspect and somewhat rounded distally and flattened caudally in caudal aspect.

Coloration: Carapace coloration pinkish cream. Dorsolateral part of branchiostegites suffused with brown; posterior part of mandibular adductor region, areola, and posterodorsal region pinkish brown. First abdominal tergum dark brick red, second through fifth terga cherry, and sixth, together with all pleura, telson, and uropods, similarly colored but suffused with tan. Cheliped pinkish cream from base to proximal half or two-thirds of merus, where becoming olive tan or brown; chela olive mesially and dorsally, and pinkish orange ventrally and laterally.

Size: Adults are approximately 3 to 5 inches (76-127 mm) in total length

Habitat: This burrowing species was found in roadside ditches and low wet seepage areas.

General Range: This is another Arkansas endemic crayfish confined to upper Irons Fork of Ouachita River in Polk County, Arkansas (Hobbs and Robison, 1988; Robison and Allen, 1995).

Comments: The type locality is burrows in roadside ditch about five miles northeast of Mena, Polk County, AR, on unnumbered road to Irons Fork River (Hobbs, 1979).

Procambarus reimeri is a local endemic of the upper Irons Fork of the Ouachita River drainage and a few areas around Mena, AR. Ten samples totalling 52 individuals of P. reimeri were collected from the Arkansas portion of the ONF. This total included numerous juvenile specimens which were released unharmed. Populations appear stable in the localized areas where it occurs, but it is confined to a rather small area within the ONF and should be carefully monitored in the future.
