Resource Management

National Forest System lands across the United States are managed to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of the Nation’s forests and grasslands to meet the needs of present and future generations.  The 1.8 million acres of the Ouachita National Forest are managed for a variety of uses including timber and wood production, watershed protection and improvement, habitat for wildlife and fish species including threatened and endangered ones, wilderness area management, minerals leasing, and outdoor recreation.  

  • Timber Sales

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    The Ouachita National Forest maintains an active timber sale program. Timber sales improve overall forest health, reduce fuels loads to limit catastrophic wildfire and improve wildlife habitat. It is our goal to provide an annual even flow of wood products to our customers.

  • Red Slough WMA

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    The Red Slough Wildlife Management Area is a 5,814 acre wetland project designed to restore hydrology and re-establish bottomland hardwoods. Red Slough is a very popular recreational destination located in southeastern Oklahoma and is a premier birdwatching and waterfowl hunting area.

  • Red-Cockaded Woodpecker

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    The Ouachita National Forest is restoring pre-European settlement forest conditions on about 10 percent (155,000 acres) of the forest. These conditions are expected to re-establish a broad habitat type missing from the landscape, one suited to supporting the recovery of the endangered red-cockaded woodpecker.



Red Cockaded Woodpecker and Pine Bluestem Restoration

Shortleaf Pine Renewal
Pine-Bluestem Literature Review
RCW and Shortleaf Pine
Pine-Bluestem Buffalo Road Tour
Birding Opportunity

Aquatics and Fishing

Ouachita Crayfish
Ouachita River Darters
Little River Darters
Leopard Darters

Heritage and Archeological Resources


Minerals and Geology

The Forest Service Minerals and Geology Management (MGM) program promotes the sustainable use and enjoyment of mineral and geologic resources on USDA National Forests and Grasslands. National Program Information



Timber Bid Information