What is Wilderness? Celebrating the Wilderness Act

Join Alex Weinberg, Olympic National Forest Recreation Specialist, as he ponders the wild.

Sun setting in Wilderness.

Feature #1: What Makes a Wilderness?

To fully realize the benefits of Wilderness, one must explore within their boundaries. 

Two men using a crosscut saw on a large tree.

Feature #2: A Wilderness Song

Wilderness protects our special wild places and our cultural heritage, an old voice, that sings of hard labor in these woods.

Image of clear water over rocks.

Feature #3: Wilderness is Water

Even if your path never takes you into Wilderness, you still have enjoyed its richness. 

Kids on the trail.

Feature #4: Wilderness is Wonder!

Read & watch how teens experienced the transformative power of an Olympic wilderness trip. 

Olympic National Forest Wildernesses

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