Juniper Springs

Juniper SpringsBeneath a tightly-knit canopy of live oaks, Juniper Springs (area is unavailable) is a beautiful pool of crystalline water in the heart of the desert-like Big Scrub. Children splash and play along the edges while the more daring cannonball into the depths of the spring.

As the spring run flows through the historic mill wheel, there's a constant churning noise as clear waters slip away to form a humid habitat where subtropical species thrive. Clanging their canoes down the boardwalk, paddlers prep for a journey into the Juniper Prarie Wilderness (area is unavailable) along twisting, winding Juniper Run (area is unavailable).

A short walk down the nature trail leads to an unexpected natural wonder, the colorful pool of Fern Hammock Springs. Here, the springs are in constant motion, some like flattened blobs of turquoise and gray paint expanding and contracting, others like minature dust storms, a canvas for schools of fish and curious turtles.

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