
This historical resource bibliography (annotated and non-annotated) has been compiled to aid the trail manager, interpreter, or novice researcher in the quest for quality information on Nez Perce history, culture, and involvement with the U.S. military during the conflict of 1877.

The search for understanding begins with these secondary sources. For many needs, these titles will suffice. Most works are readily available in libraries and bookstores; serious scholars will pursue primary documents in archives and museums.

The annotations presented here come from a variety of sources. They include book reviews, index information, previously annotated materials, and personal opinions regarding books we've read and videos we've seen. The non-annotated portion of this bibliography comes primarily from thesis research gathered by Sandi McFarland.

The sheer volume of material written on the Nez Perce Indians allows for only a carefully selected listing. Because this annotated bibliography is dynamic and ongoing, additions will be made to this list as new materials become available. This page also contains a historical collections guide showing where many historical resources are held, as well as an annotated video bibliography. Suggestions for book titles, articles, and reviews are welcomed and should be sent to Sandi McFarland (see Key Contact to the right).

Annotated Bibliography

Books, Theses, and Dissertations

Journals and Periodicals

Government Documents

Annotated Video Bibliography

A Guide to Research Locations and Holdings

Key Contacts