Nature's Supermarket

The Nez Perce were resourceful generally utilizing the entire plant for different purposes. Timber harvest, livestock grazing, and other kinds of use may alter the pristine occurrence of much of the flora.

By documenting the existence of flora used by prehistoric people within the context of their environment it becomes easier to understand the dynamics of their culture, and to predict where significant cultural remains exist.

It is my hope that the presentation here will lead all of you to acquire a greater understanding and appreciation for the plants that have been used throughout time by the Nez Perce. The goal is to educate the public in order to gain their help in protection and preservation of plants, and to pass this part of Nez Perce culture on to future generations of Nez Perce through documentation.


Douglas  Fir  ·  Engelman Spruce  ·  Lodgepole Pine  ·  Grand Fir  ·  Pacific Yew  ·  Ponderosa Pine  ·  Quaking Aspen  ·  Subalpine Fir  ·  Water birch  ·  Western larch, Tamarack  ·  Western Red Cedar  ·  Western White Pine  ·  Whitebark Pine


Blackberry  ·  Black Hawthorne  ·  Buffaloberry  ·  Chittam  ·  Elderberry  ·  Grouseberry  ·  Huckleberry  ·  Kinnikinnick  ·  Labrador Tea  ·  Ocean Spray  ·  Oregon Grape  ·  Prickly Pear  ·  Prince Pine  ·  Red Osier Dogwood  ·  Red Stem Ceanothus  ·  Scouler  Willow  ·  Serviceberry  ·  Smooth Sumac  ·  Snowberry  ·  Syringa  ·  Thimbleberry  ·  Virgin's Bower  ·  Wood Rose  ·  Yarrow


American Vetch  ·  Balsam Sunflower  ·  Beargrass  ·  Big Head Clover  ·  Bitterroot  ·  Bull Thistle  ·  Buttercup  ·  Camas  ·  Chittam  ·  Cow Parsnip  ·  Desert parsley  ·  Downy fruited vervain  ·  Elk Thistle  ·  False Hellebore  ·  Fireweed  ·  Fox Glove  ·  Geranium  ·  Glacier Lily  ·  Indian Paintbrush  ·  Ladyslipper  ·  Madagascar Periwinkle  ·  Mariposa Lily  ·  Moth Mullein  ·  Mule's Ear  ·  Nettles  ·  Northern Bedstraw  ·  Round Leafed Alumroot  ·  Showy Aster  ·  Showy Frasera  ·  Skunk Cabbage  ·  Starry Solomon Seal  ·   Watercress  ·  Western Meadowrue  ·  Wild Carrot  ·  Wild Strawberry Yellowbells  ·  Yellow Monkey Flower


Common Horsetail


Morels  ·  Oyster Mushroom  ·  Puffballs