Bridal Veil Falls

At Bridal Veil Falls the water falls 120 feet from above, right over U.S. 64. It is a good place to stop on your way to Dry Falls and Cullasaja Falls.


Bridal Veil's misty appearance blends beautifully with a blue North Carolina summer. Photo by Bill Duyck.

Other Info

Hours: Always available
Picnic tables: No
Restrooms: No
Fee: No
Camping: No

How To Get There

Bridal Veil is easy to find. Just look for the sign on U.S. 64, 2.5 miles west of Highlands in the Cullasaja Gorge.


It's 120 feet from the top of the falls to the pavement. Enjoy the watery "veil" as you walk behind the falls. Photo by Bill Duyck.