Wilderness Area

Wilderness: Map of Wilderness AreasMark Twain National Forest boasts 7 wilderness areas scattered from east to west in southern Missouri. Although smaller than most Wildernesses in the National Forest System, they are nonetheless wild areas of great natural beauty.

To learn more about the wilderness areas, view brochures and trail maps, on Mark Twain National Forest, click on the links below.


Visiting the Wilderness

Increasing numbers of Wilderness users may seriously impact the very values they seek. To insure that these values remain intact, please practice good wilderness manners and comply with the regulations listed below.

The wilderness deserves your protection. When you visit, practice "leave no trace" techniques of traveling and camping.



There are certain human impacts that could damage or destroy the wilderness resource. These practices are not allowed within the Wilderness.

  • Possessing or leaving refuse, debris, or litter in an exposed or unsanitary condition.
  • Placing in or near a stream, lake, or other water any substance which does or may pollute a stream, lake, or other water;
  • Leaving a fire without completely extinguishing it;
  • Cutting or defacing live or dead standing trees or other vegetation;
  • Possessing or using motorized equipment or mechanized transport;
  • Landing of aircraft, or dropping or picking up any material, supplies or persons by means of aircraft including helicopters;
  • The building of "structures" such as rock fire rings, tables, lean-tos and the like;
  • Discharging a firearm or any other implement capable of taking human life or causing injury, in or within 150 yards of an occupied area, or In any manner or place whereby any person or property is exposed to Injury or damage as a result of such discharge;
  • Firing any tracer bullet or incendiary ammunition.
  • Missouri Department of Conservation hunting and fishing regulations and license requirements apply.

Forest Order 09-05-12-07: Wilderness

  1. Camping within 100 feet of an established trail, stream, body of water, cave, rock, shelter, other occupied campsites or other restricted camping areas.
  2. Building, maintaining, attending or using a fire, campfire, or stove fire within 100 feet of an established trail.
  3. Using a trail, campsite or other land area of the wilderness by more than 10 people at any one time or travelling as a group by more than 10 people in any area of the wilderness.
  4. Possessing or using a bicycle, wagon, cart, or other vehicle.
  5. Riding, hitching, tethering, or hobbling a horse or other saddle or pack animal in violation of posted instructions. Hitching or tethering saddle or pack animals directly to live trees is prohibited.
  6. Riding, hitching, tethering, or hobbling a horse or other saddle or pack animal in violation of posted instructions. Picketing horses or mules within 100 feet of water or trail is prohibited.
  7. Storing equipment, personal property, or supplies.
  8. Disposing of debris, garbage, or other waste.

Wilderness Manners

Today, backpackers should leave no sign of their presence so that the next person can enjoy natural scenes and solitude. You must Tread Lightly so nature can endure and replenish.


Before You Visit

  • There are self-registration stations at each wilderness trailhead entrance shown on the map. Overnight and day use visitors are requested to register.
  • Plan your party size, limit size of group to 10 persons or less. This reduces impact on soil and ground cover. Campsites are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Be prepared --- have the right equipment and clothing for primitive travel and the season of the year.
    • Carry a good map and compass;
    • practice safety and carry a first aid kit.
    • The universal distress signal is three of anything: shots, shouts, smokes, whistles.
  • Tell someone where you are going and when you will get back.
  • Pack your own shelter, including needed poles and stakes.


Picking a Site

  • Protect the solitude; seek out campsites that are out of sight and sound of trails and other camps. When sharing an area keep a low profile and maintain the solitude.
  • Avoid overuse of popular areas, and search out the lesser known attractions.


During Your Visit

  • Dispose of human waste at least 100 feet from campsites, trails and waterways. Dig a shallow hole and cover, nature will biologically decompose.
  • Keep the number of campfires low and small in size. Dead fallen trees add to the natural environment and future shortages may cause complete restrictions.
    • Fire rings are unnatural signs of man and should be avoided. The use of small gas or chemical cooking stoves is recommended.
    • Use care with open campfires - make sure they are dead out and their evidence is scattered before leaving. Visit Smokey Bears website for more information on campfire safety.
  • Remember that in many remote areas cell phone coverage is limited or non-existent. If you choose to carry a cell phone for safety or emergencies, be considerate of other visitors.


Traveling in the Wilderness

  • When traveling on a trail, stay on the trail. When traveling cross-country use your map and compass. Use of blazes, ribbons, or other trail markers should be avoided; let the next fellow find his own way as you did.
  • The Wilderness may be surrounded by private property. Please respect the rights and property of private landowners.


When You Leave

  • Do your part to protect the natural conditions found in Wilderness. Always clean weed seeds from clothing, gear and animals before entering the area. Report any non-native invasive species that you see, including feral hogs.
  • Leave your camp cleaner than you found it. Pack out what you pack in. Animals generally dig up what you bury, so don't.