Prescribed burn near Rock Creek Reservoir today, June 7

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Barlow Ranger District firefighters will conduct a 207-acre prescribed burn west of Wamic on Friday, June 7 thanks to conducive weather and moisture conditions. This burn on the Rocky 79 prescribed fire unit was originally scheduled for May but was delayed due to changes in weather.

Fire personnel coordinate closely with weather forecasters and smoke specialists leading up to and during prescribed burns. Shifts in the weather pattern last month brought high winds, which can increase the rate of fire spread on the ground, creating unfavorable conditions for safe burning and smoke mitigation.

The test fire this morning was successful and ignitions have begun. The Rocky 79 fire unit is located near Rock Creek Reservoir, about three miles southwest of Pine Hollow and five miles west of Wamic off Forest Road 48. (Map of the burn unit.) Fire personnel are planning to burn up to 207 acres today. They will remain on site and continue patrols for several days until the fire is declared out.

Weather conditions are used to help minimize smoke impacts to roadways and communities. However, visibility along nearby national forest system roads and Rock Creek Road may degrade. When smoke is present, motorists should slow down and turn on headlights. While significant preventive measures are taken to lessen smoke impacts, weather patterns can change, and smoke could settle overnight. For more information about smoke and your health, visit the Oregon Health Authority recommendations online:

The Rocky 79 prescribed fire unit is part of the Rocky Restoration Project. This project improves landscape resilience to disease and fire in addition to improving habitat for the plants, fish, and wildlife species that depend on it.

Following an initial investment from Congress, the Forest Service is working with local partners to improve the health and resiliency of fire-dependent forests and protect surrounding communities from severe wildfire. Prescribed burns are critical tools for fire management and planned meticulously to ensure that they are safe and effective. 

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