Wilderness Rules and Regulations

Wilderness travel is not for everyone.  But, for those intrepid wanderers who must see it all with their own eyes, the wilderness offers expansive vistas, icy mountain streams, thrilling summer thunder storms and solitude unmatched anywhere else.

Wildflowers bloom, grass is green and water flows in Pine Creek Basin in spring.

Wilderness provides you with opportunities to experience a natural environment, seek solitude, and use outdoor skills. You will face some natural hazards and personal inconveniences. There are no improvements or facilities for your comfort, and no telephones or emergency services immediately at hand.

Weather can be unpredictable and severe. There are few signs on the trails. It is advisable to obtain maps of the areas you plan to visit.

The wilderness belongs to you. Please help protect this special place by practicing low impact traveling and camping skills.

Each time you enter the wilderness there is always that chance that something you focus on may never have been looked upon before.  As you travel through the South Warner Wilderness please observe these simple rules to make you trip safer and more enjoyable.

Grass grows in the Linderman Lake near the shore in late summer.

The following federal and state laws and regulations apply to all persons on the Modoc National Forest and in the South Warner Wilderness Wilderness:
• It is your responsibility to know and abide by all local fire and smoking restrictions and trail, road or area closures.
• A valid California Campfire Permit is required to use camp stoves or have a campfire when allowed, in other than developed camping areas.
• Be sure your fire is completely extinguished with water before leaving it.
• Possessing or using motorized equipment of any type is illegal in wilderness areas.
• Hang gliders and bicycles are prohibited in wilderness areas.
• Protect water quality. Dispose of waste water in a suitable location away from the water source.
• Smoke only when there are no restrictions and only in cleared areas. Do not smoke while walking. Pack out all cigarette butts and filters.
• Pack out anything you pack in. It is illegal to bury or burn trash.
• It is illegal to cut or damage live trees or shrubs. Do not construct "improvements" (such as lean-tos or shelters).
• A valid California Fishing License is required for all persons 16 and older to fish in California.
• Hunting, taking or killing wildlife is illegal except during hunting season with a valid California Hunting License.
• It is illegal to dispose of human waste within 200 feet of any lake, stream, spring, campsite or trail.
• Damage, removal or alteration of any archeological or cultural site is illegal.
• Grazing of livestock is not permitted prior to July 1st. (Native vegetation is not ready before this date).
• Do not feed wildlife and practice safe food and garbage storage so that animals do not have access to your food.
• Fireworks are prohibited on National Forest lands.
• Limit party size to 25 people or less.
• Respect the solitude of others.