Bumblebee Campground Closed for the 2014 Season

Release Date: 

Contact(s): Barb Hansen

A large number of diseased, dead and dying trees are forcing the closure of Bumblebee Campground on the Coeur d’Alene River Ranger District for the 2014 season while crews work to remove trees and improve public safety at the site. Work will focus on removing any trees that show signs of stress or declining health in an effort to improve campground safety. Due to the widespread occurrence of diseased and damaged trees in and around the campground a majority of the over-story is expected to be removed.

“It’s a very difficult decision to close such a popular campground,” said Couer d’Alene River District Ranger Chad Hudson “but, with so many dangerous trees in the area we cannot allow the public to camp there until all of the hazards have been removed.”

Contract crews will begin removing hazard trees in the Bumblebee Campground in late spring 2014 and expect the work to last throughout the summer. After hazard tree removal is complete Forest Service staff will evaluate the site to determine the site’s safety and options for reopening.

Prior to any campground opening each year crews evaluate the sites for hazards and take action to ensure public safety at these sites. However, it is vitally important for forest visitors to understand that hazardous trees may be present anywhere on the national forest. Visitors are encouraged to take a hard look at their surroundings when recreating throughout the forest, and especially when selecting a campsite. Hazardous trees are not always readily apparent, but some obvious indicators of dangerous trees include damage to roots, branches or trunk; insect infestations; leaning trees; or dead trees. These types of trees are especially hazardous when the wind is blowing, but may fall at any time resulting in serious injuries or death. For more information on identifying and avoiding hazardous trees, forest visitors are encouraged to download the IPNF Hazard Tree Safety Flyer.

For more information about Bumblebee Campground please contact the Coeur d’Alene River Ranger District at 208-664-2318.