Ponderosa Pine

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Ponderosa Pine

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(aka Yellow Pine)
(Pinus ponderosa)

Size at 150 years: 120-180 feet tall, 2 1/2 to 4 feet in diameter

Life Span: 300 years

Needles: 5-10" long, in bundles of 3, sometimes 2 on the same twig

Cones: 4-6" long. Conical or egg shaped, with outward pointed prickles

Bark: Black on young trees, yellow-brown on large scaly plates on mature trees

Where to find: Lower elevations and dry southern slopes across the forest.

Things to know:The lumber of the ponderosa pine is valuable, often being used for window frames & panel doors. Quail & nutcrackers consume the seeds. Squirrels and chipmunks often store the seeds in caches, thus aiding their dispersal. Loggers call this yellow pine or bull pine.

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