Latest News

USDA and U.S. Forest Service news from State, Private and Tribal Forestry.

News Releases 2020

IITF partner helps deliver agroforestry tools to increase biodiversity [Opens in New Window] - Forest Service | Deliver Benefits to the Public | December 18, 2020

IITF supports crucial tree nursery restoration in Puerto Rico [Opens in New Window] - Forest Service | Sustain Our Nation's Forests and Grasslands | April 3, 2020

IITF supports restoration of historical presses [Opens in New Window] - Forest Service | Deliver Benefits to the Public | April 1, 2020

IITF collaborator protects crucial watersheds in the southern region of Puerto Rico [Opens in New Window] - Forest Service | Sustain Our Nation's Forests and Grasslands | March 6, 2020

News Releases 2019

Stewardship made possible through collaboration at IITF [Opens in New Window] - Forest Service | Deliver Benefits to the Public | December 20, 2019

Joint Chief Initiative crucial for landscape and wildlife restoration in Puerto Rico [Opens in New Window] - Forest Service | Sustain Our Nation's Forests and Grasslands | October 7, 2019

State, Private and Tribal Forestry fills the gap for farmers in Puerto Rico [Opens in New Window] - Forest Service | Deliver Benefits to the Public | October 2, 2019

Workshops help local farmers innovate, rebuild in the aftermath of hurricanes [Opens in New Window] - Forest Service | Deliver Benefits to the Public | September 2, 2019

Preparedness in the midst of wildfire season [Opens in New Window] - Forest Service | Sustain Our Nation's Forests and Grasslands | July 17, 2019

Woodworking workshops for sustainable adaptation techniques [Opens in New Window] - Forest Service | Sustain Our Nation's Forests and Grasslands | June 25, 2019

Caguas celebrates its Tree City recognition for the 10th consecutive time [Opens in New Window] - Forest Service | Sustain Our Nation's Forests and Grasslands | May 1, 2019

Mayagüez community celebrates acquisition of community forest [Opens in New Window] - Forest Service | Deliver Benefits to the Public | April 1, 2019

Partnership supports bryophyte survey in Puerto Rico [Opens in New Window] - Forest Service | Sustain Our Nation's Forests and Grasslands | March 5, 2019

News Releases 2018

Forestry conservation symposium in Puerto Rico celebrates important landmarks [Opens in New Window] - Forest Service | Sustain Our Nation's Forests and Grasslands | December 20, 2018

IITF helps lead the way for the establishment of new community forest in Puerto Rico [Opens in New Window] - Forest Service | Deliver Benefits to the Public | November 27, 2018

IITF delivers forestry workshops to local agencies in Puerto Rico [Opens in New Window] - Forest Service | Deliver Benefits to the Public | November 27, 2018

In the aftermath of Hurricane Maria - Part 2: Island-wide efforts [Opens in New Window] - Forest Service | Sustain Our Nation's Forests and Grasslands | May 8, 2018

In the aftermath of Hurricane Maria - Part 1: The Caribbean [Opens in New Window] - Forest Service | Sustain Our Nation's Forests and Grasslands | May 4, 2018

Page last modified: 01/04/2022