Maines Pond Watchable Wildlife Site


wildlife.gif (679 bytes) This small pond is located near open grasslands, shrubby fields, cedar thickets, and small woodlots. A buried natural gas pipeline runs behind the pond, and the mowed pipeline corridor attracts songbirds and small mammals.

There is a high probability of viewing meadowlarks, bluebirds, sparrows, bobwhite quail, and many other open-ground bird species in certain seasons. Wild turkey have become common in this area so in May and June, watch for hen turkeys leading broods of young birds called poults into the grassy areas to feed on insects. Adult turkeys eat mostly seeds, fruits, and nuts, but poults need the high protein content of insects to sustain their rapid growth.

Deer may be seen on the edge of the pipeline corridor at dawn or dusk. Prairie grasses and wildflowers are abundant in the open areas during spring and summer.

Hunting is permitted on these public lands so use caution during any hunting seasons.

Size: 5 acres.

Vicinity Map for Maines Pond, located approximately 15 miles south of Nashville:

Maines.gif (4797 bytes)


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