Wildlife Safety

Graphic reads: Wild Animals: Do not feed or approachPublic land is one of the best areas to view wildlife. However, to ensure your safety and the safety of this wildlife, do so carefully and respectfully. Give wild animals space, do not feed them, and put away your food when not eating to prevent attracting them. The consequences of approaching wildlife can be serious.

You are responsible for your own safety as well as the safety of wildlife. Wild animals should be allowed to follow their natural diet, care for their young, sleep and play without human disturbance. 

For additional information on Virginia Wildlife, visit Virginia’s Department of Wildlife Resources website

Amphibians and Reptiles

Virginia and West Virginia laws protect reptiles and amphibians from collection. Enjoy observing salamanders, turtles, lizards and snakes but do not remove them from their habitat. For more information visit West Virginia Division of Natural Resources: Reptile and Amphibian Regulations (wvdnr.gov) and Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources Nongame Fish, Reptile, Amphibian and Aquatic Invertebrate Regulations. 


Photo of a black bearBears are opportunists by nature. They will feed on whatever is readily available. Food odors and improperly stored garbage will attract bears to campgrounds and picnic sites. Though naturally afraid of humans, bear lose this fear as they associate human scents with the reward of food. Black bears can then become a threat to humans, property, and themselves—a pattern that normally ends with the animal’s death. Protect yourself and protect the black bears by storing trash and food in safe locations when you visit the George Washington and Jefferson National Forests.

We suggest using a bear resistant food storage container when backpacking. On some trails and recreation areas, bear resistant food storage containers are required. See the Forest Orders page for more information. 

To learn more about how to be safe around bears, visit the Forest Service Bear Safety page.