Specials Uses - Overview

Special Uses

The Forest Service manages over 192 million acres of national forests and grasslands that comprise the National Forest System (NFS). Today, our growing population and mobile society have created a demand for a variety of uses of these federal lands. Often these diverse needs require specific approval. The Forest Service provides services that support our national policy and federal land laws. The Agency's special-uses program authorizes uses on NFS land that provide a benefit to the general public and protect public and natural resources values. Currently there are over 74,000 authorizations on the NFS lands for over 180 types of uses.

Each year, the Forest Service receives thousands of individual and business applications for authorization for use of NFS land for such activities as water transmission, agriculture, outfitting and guiding, recreation, telecommunication, research, photography and video productions, and granting road and utility rights-of-ways. The Forest Service carefully reviews each application to determine how the request affects the public's use of NFS land. Normally, NFS land is not made available if the overall needs of the individual or business can be met on nonfederal lands.

As a steward of the National Forests, the Forest Service has a duty to minimize resource impacts on National Forest System lands.  Special Use Authorizations provide use of, and access to, National Forest System lands for a wide variety of activities to both commercial and noncommercial operations. Permits are also issued for private, non-exclusive use. Depending on the complexity of the proposal, obtaining a Special Use Authorization can sometimes be a lengthy process.

The National Forest’s in Florida currently possess more than 600 Issued permits and on average receive more than 200 new permit applications, amendments or transfers per year.   

Frequently Asked questions:



  • Recreation Events

    Dirt Bike Event

    Examples of recreation events include, but are not limited to, animal, bicycle, motocross, or triathalon races; jeep rallies; dog trials; fishing contests; rendezvous; adventure games; youth treks; wagon trains; concerts; and other similar events.

  • Research


    There are many diverse research projects on the National Forests in Florida. Research includes experimental forest demonstration areas, observatories, laboratories, stream gauges, weather stations, educational research study, and similar uses not intended to result in further development.

  • Non-Commercial Group Events

    Image of lake

    Most visitors enjoy "non-commercial" activities on their National Forests such as berry picking, camping, picnicking, fishing, participating in assemblies, meetings, rallies, birthday and wedding parties.

  • Filming and Photography Permits

    Film crew

    National forests are a popular location for the commercial filming and still photography industries.

  • Recreation Residences


    Forest Service Recreation Residence program started in the early 1900's to give private citizens the opportunity to own a single-family cabin in designated areas on the National Forests.

  • Worm Harvesting on Apalachicola National Forest

    Invasive earthworm -  Worm photo courtesy photo by Tom Potterfield. https://www.flickr.com/photos/tgpotterfield/6807385430

    This permit is only available on the Apalachicola National Forest and currently have two worm harvesting bait permits that can be issued to collect earthworms on forest land.**

  • Ocala National Forest Concessionaires

    Ocala National Forest Boardwalk

    The Ocala National Forest is host to multiple concessionaires which operate year-round on the forest.

** Worm photo courtesy photo by Tom Potterfield. https://www.flickr.com/photos/tgpotterfield/6807385430