Species Diversity

Pitcher plants at Apalachee Savannas

According to studies commissioned by The Nature Conservancy, Florida is one of the most biodiverse states in the United States. We rank 7th with 4,368 known animal species, and 6th for vascular plant diversity, with 3,038 species.

Florida also ranks among the top five states in endemic species, which are animals and plants only found in our state and nowhere else in the world. We have 269 species of animals you can only find in Florida! Only Texas, Hawaii, and California have more. Florida also ranks among the top five states in diversity of bird and reptile species - and, unfortunately, we are one of the top states at risk of species extinction for mammals, birds, and reptiles.

The National Forests in Florida are charged with monitoring the well-being of many endemic species, and working on projects to expand their populations to ensure they do not go extinct. Perhaps one of the best-known programs is how we work with red-cockaded woodpeckers, a theatened species that nests only in old-growth longleaf pine forests.

For detailed information on species and biodiversity in Florida, please visit the Florida Natural Areas Inventory.