Thanks to our Partners

These webpages are made possible through a partnership between our good friends at Preserve Montana, and the Gardiner Ranger District on the Custer Gallatin National Forest (CGNF).

Preserve Montana (PMT) is Montana’s only statewide non-profit historic preservation organization.  PMT champions the preservation of the state’s unique heritage and historic places, through advocacy, education and technical assistance, and offers support to agencies and communities to promote stewardship and protection of resources,

About 17 people on a long roof doing work.

Preserve Montana, USDA Forest Service Region 1, Passport in Time Volunteers and University of Pennsylvania students joined forces to reshingle the roof of the OTO Lodge. Courtesy photo by Preserve Montana. View full-sized photo on Flickr

In 2012, the Montana Preservation Alliance partnered with the CGNF Gardiner Ranger district to support preservation efforts at the OTO Ranch. PMT supervised students in hands-on repairs and artifact cleaning, inventoried the OTO collections, and produced signage, a self-guided tour and this website to share the history and craftsmanship of the OTO Ranch with the public.