The CCC on the Cleveland NF and Local African American History

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African-Americans and the Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC)

Even as African-Americans endured a higher rate of unemployment during the Depression Era, a majority of CCC enrollees were white. The law establishing the CCC contained a provision that "no discrimination shall be made on account of race color, or creed," although this was overlooked by corps administrators. African-American enrollment peaked at 10 percent after 1935. African-American enrollees were assigned to camps without regard to race, but were later segregated due to biased attitudes in the U.S. Army and antipathy from local communities. In July 1935, CCC policy directed the complete segregation of white and African-American enrollees, and policies announced in August of the same year, transferred of all African-American members to form five colored companies in California. In 1942, when the CCC was officially terminated, almost all of the African-American corps members in California had at one time been a part of an all-African-American company.

African-American corps members made many significant developments to the Cleveland. In addition to the accomplishment of Company 2923-C in La Cienega, Company 2924-C, of Camp Minnewawa in Jamul, constructed a telephone link connecting the Forest Service line at Descanso with that of the state Division of Forestry at La Mesa. Even though the project was severely handicapped as the telephone crew had only three experienced men and several rookies, the project was completed with the company performing all of the work except for surveying. African-American companies also provided extensive work in the construction and maintenance of park roads, service-truck trails, fire breaks, hiking trails, and campground development and maintenance.


Godfrey Anthony, 2005. The Ever-Changing View: A History of the National Forests in California. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service.

Meinecke, E.P., 1934. Camp Planning and Camp Reconstruction. Bureau of Plant Industry, United States Department of Agriculture.

Otis, Alison T., Honey, William D, Hogg, Thomas C., and Lakin, Kimberly K., 1986. The Forest Service and The Civilian Conservation Corps: 1933-1942. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service.

Palmer, Christine Savage, 1993. Civilian Conservation Corps Structures on the Cleveland National Forest, California: 1933-1942.

Public Camp Manual 1935. United State Department of Agriculture Forest Service Region 5.

Recreation Visits to the National Forests 1924-1963. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service.