Cibola Air Tanker Base on Kirtland Air Force Base

The Cibola National Forest and National Grasslands in collaboration with long-standing partner Kirtland Air Force Base (KAFB) has completed work on a project that allows very large airtankers (VLATs) to be filled with fire retardant from the USDA Forest Service’s Albuquerque Air Tanker Base (ATB). This upgrade increases capacity for combating the wildfire crisis, making it one of four bases in the region that can accommodate the VLAT.

L to R: Matt Rau, Cibola National Forest & National Grasslands Fire Staff Officer, Chief Master Sergeant Antonio Cooper 377th Air Base Wing Kirtland Air Force Base, Colonel Michael Power 377th Air Base Wing and Installation Commander Kirtland Air Force Base, Michiko Martin, Regional Forester Southwestern Region US Forest Service and Steve Hattenbach Deputy Regional Forester Southwestern Region US Forest Service.

The Need to Upgrade

As the size and severity of wildland fires continue to evolve, so do the needs in managing them.

The Forest Service is now using larger air tankers, which means larger payloads. VLATs are the largest air tankers currently used by the agency, with a 9,400-gallon capacity compared to the 3,000 – 4,000-gallon capacity of the large air tanker.

However, to provide VLATs access to the air tanker base, a new ramp graded to handle the payload of these larger aircrafts was needed.


Project Alpha-Ramp Complete

The upgrade project was completed on April 22, 2024. Now that the Alpha-Ramp upgrade is complete, it will provide full-time access for DC-10s, C-130s, RJ85s, BAE146s, and 737s.


The ATB At-A-Glance

May 17, 2024 Press Conference on ATB Upgrade. L to R: Chief Master Sergeant Antonio Cooper 377th Air Base Wing Kirtland Air Force Base, Colonel Michael Power 377th Air Base Wing and Installation Commander Kirtland Air Force Base, Michiko Martin, Regional Forester Southwestern Region US Forest Service (addressing media), Steve Hattenbach Deputy Regional Forester Southwestern Region US Forest Service and Matt Rau, Cibola National Forest & National Grasslands Fire Staff Officer.

Four (4) fire-retardant tanks with a capacity to hold 25,000 gallons of fire retardant each.

  • One (1) Mixing tank
  • Two (2) Holding tanks
  • One (1) Loading tank

That means 75,000 gallons of mixed fire retardant are always available - greatly increasing the ability to respond to wildland fire suppression needs even faster.

The air tanker base is one of two bases in the country that can fill two VLATs simultaneously.

Partnerships Enable Possibilities

The relationship between the Forest Service, Department of Defense and Kirtland Air Force Base traces back many years. Both have been supportive and valuable partners in our wildland firefighting efforts. The ATB is both a public and private partnership (under contract), and we are thankful for the following partners that make this work possible:

  • Cutter – fuel provider
  • Phos-Chek: fire retardant provider
  • Tanker 10 – VLAT provider
Construction work in December 2023 before completion to Apron A upgrade and with the installation of retardant tanks.