Hunter Walking Trails Safety

As the calendar turns to the autumn months and the leaf colors change, Chippewa National Forest visitors also don bright orange and pink hunting colors and hike the trails in search of grouse and other wild game. The Forest has six designated hunter-walking trails, and while the trails are open year-round to all, visitors should be aware that they may encounter hunters along the autumn trails.

Follow these tips to keep the season safe and enjoyable:

Be visible: Wear the regulation bright orange or pink gear during the season whether you are hunting or just out for a short hike along the trail. Make sure people can see you from September-December.

Check the weather: Before heading out on the trail, recognize that weather changes rapidly this time of year. While the day may start out sunny, weather can change quickly to sleet or snow. Always have warm gear along.

Tell a friend: Let someone know where you are hiking. Hunter Walker Trails on the Forest are well marked, but it’s always good to let someone know when you expect to be back off the trail and where you are hiking. Maps are available online or call the local District Office if you have questions about trail conditions.

Water: Despite the cooler autumn weather, it’s still important to bring water along and stay hydrated. It is a great defense against hypothermia.

Dogs: If hiking with a dog, keep it close and think about putting an orange collar or vest on the animal and even a bell on the collar to keep track of its location.

Know the regulations: If you are a hunter, make sure you look through the updated 2020 Minnesota DNR Hunting Regulations or Leech Lake Band Tribal Hunting Regulations.