LiDAR Workshop on the Chippewa National Forest

A training session showing people at tables looking at a presentation about LiDar.


 By: John Rickers, Resource Information Manager

On June 4, Kirsten Tighe, Geospatial Services Program Manager and Greg Liknes, Acting Remote Sensing Specialist from the Regional Office stopped by the Chippewa National Forest to talk to the Forest and Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe (LLBO) about the 2022 Upper Mississippi Headwaters LiDAR collect. 15-20 people from the Forest and LLBO attended. 

The session included some introductory LiDAR discussion, demonstration of products generated from the 2022 collect, advancements in LiDAR collection and technology, and potential for other products related to vegetation inventory and stand and landscape characteristics.  Greg has been working on and demo’ed a forest-wide mosaic of the Digital Elevation Model from the tiled 2022 collect.  Greg also demonstrated how to create some of the traditional derivatives of the DEM such as hillshade, slope, aspect, etc. in ArcPro. He finished by showing a couple examples of vegetation metrics derived from the LiDAR data and discussed with the group other development possibilities.  Kirsten spent a little time with the group talking about the program areas, responsibilities, and staff in the Geospatial Services Program in the Regional Office.  

Thank you for Kirsten and Greg for coming to the Chippewa National Forest.