Hiking and Camping Guidelines

Hiking and Camping Guidelines

Some sites need a pass or permit to use. Visit our Passes and Permits page for more information.

  • Responsible Recreation

    sign with trash cans

    When on the Arizona National Trail, please remember to keep the area clean and healthy for future use. Leave No Trace is a national campaign that encourages outdoor enthusiasts to be aware of their impact on their environment while recreating. For more information on the Seven principles click below.

  • Tread Lightly!

     Arizona trail sign

    The Tread Lightly! organization is another helpful source if you are looking for more information on your impact as a trail user. Tread Lightly! is in partnership with the nation’s most influential hunting and shooting sports organization.

  • Campfires

    Group roasting marshmallows on a fire

    Campfires can be a fun part of any camping trip, but only if used responsibly. When building a fire, use existing fire rings if possible. Never leave a fire unattended, even if there are no flames present. Many wildfires have been caused by abandoned campfires. Fire restrictions can change on a daily basis. Check at the local ranger station for current fire restrictions.

More Resources

Pack Animal Guide

Dispersed Camping Guidelines