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Forest Service Photography

Biological and Physical Resources, Wildlife icon

Dancers in the Forest

What are Dancers in the Forest?

Dancers in the Forest are forest grouse, such as:

Photograph: Ruffed Grouse on a snowy hill side.  Great Backyard Bird Count gallery.

Other dancing birds found on lands managed by the National Forests and Grasslands include:

Photograph: Greater Sage Grouse dancing.  Great Backyard Bird Count gallery.

Who are we?

National forests include more than 300,000 acres of grouse habitat. Partners like the Ruffed Grouse Society join the Forest Service in managing the National Forests and Grasslands to improve conditions for grouse. Contributions from these partners have increased the ability of the Forest Service to inventory and enhance habitats by 2-7 times what the Forest Service could do by itself.

What do we do?

Habitat improvement projects include burning and cutting forested habitats to set back succession to a younger stage, change the plant species mix, and create openings for displaying birds, and preserving breeding areas.

How can you help?

You can help by supporting management of habitats for grouse and woodcock and other wildlife that depend upon the National Forests and Grasslands. Your elected officials like to hear what their constituents think about management of public lands and other matters. Providing funds to our partners is another way to get money to the National Forests to directly benefit grouse and their habitats. Sometimes Forests can accomplish a lot more with volunteers. Check out the sites at the bottom of the page for information about the 'dancers in the forest'.

You can also find locations for viewing wildlife, plants and fish through our NatureWatch website (

Other websites of interest:

Sharp-tailed Grouse

Birding Nebraska

Attwater's Prairie Chicken

Effects of Fire on Upland Gamebirds

Managing Habitats for Ruffed Grouse

RangeNet - Project Grouse - Sage Grouse

Upland Bird Game Identification

Upland Birds - Waterfowl Recipes

Watchable Wildlife - Sharp-tailed Grouse

WINGS 2001 - Nebraska, Platte River wildlife tour


John Sinclair

Assistant National Wildlife Program Leader


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Biological and Physical Resources (BPR)
Washington, D.C. Office
Author: Shelly Witt, National Continuing Education Coordinator, BPR staff
Phone: 435-881-4203
Publish Date: 8/30/21
Expires: none

Photo Credits

USDA Forest Service
P.O. Box 96090
Washington, D.C. 20090-6090
(202) 205-8333