National Stream and Aquatic Ecology Center logo showing an illustrated Trout fish swimming over the logo text. Watershed, Fish, Wildlife illustration of mountains, clouds, stream, a fish and an eagle.

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Winding river running in a large loop next to a mountain and brush covered prarie.
Image of USDA Forest Service text box

Biological and
Physical Resources

Updated: 08/26/2022

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Welcome to the Forest Service - National Stream & Aquatic Ecology Center.

The focus of the National Stream and Aquatic Ecology Center is on developing tools and science applications for the more effective management and conservation of watersheds, streams, riparian ecosystems, fisheries and aquatic ecosystems on National Forests and Grasslands.

Biological and Physical Resources program combined two of its Technical Units: the Stream Systems Technology Center and the Fish and Aquatic Ecology Unit. An executive Steering Committee and new Charter were developed to guide the integration of the units.


Charter - signed 2013 PDF 1 MB

Briefing Paper - August 2013 PDF 30 KB


Focus on:


  • Environmental flows and water resource management.
  • Watershed, stream, riparian, and aquatic habitat restoration.
  • Condition, trend, and effectiveness monitoring of watershed, channel, aquatic habitat, and riparian vegetation.
  • Technology Development, Transfer and Application
  • Technical Support and Training.

Staff Spot Lights


  • A Forest Service Stream and Riparian Restoration Network is available to facilitate knowledge and technology transfer between Forest Service personnel throughout the agency. Sign up now to be included in the public distribution list, to connect with others who have duties that include a focus on stream and riparian restoration.
USDA and USDA Forest Service Shields

National Stream & Aquatic Ecology Center