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Discover A Rich History of Hiking

Hiking opportunities abound on the Forest from easy strolls into the wooded environment to challenging climbs above treeline. With over 1200 miles of non-motorized trails, you have an opportunity for challenge, adventure and renewal.

Popular Destinations

a smooth knob of granite is speckled with alpine forest.

A view from the Welch Dickey Trail

Before You Go

Before heading out, be prepared with the 10 essentials (map, compass, warm clothing, extra food and water, flashlight or headlamp, matches/firestarters, first aid kit, whistle, rain/wind gear and a pocket knife).  The weather in the mountains can be unpredictable even if it is forecasted to be a gorgeous day. 

See our WMNF Backcountry Rules for full restrictions and safety guidance.

Links and Partner Organizations


Recreation Areas

Recreation Activities