Day Hiking

Hiking boot in fall leaves

There are many shorter trails available for day hiking, as well as trailheads for longer trails that can be used for day hikes.  

If you are day hiking, be sure to be prepared.  Many of our trails see little use, so your party needs to be able to take care of itself.  Bring adequate water for everyone, snack food, and rain gear if there is the least chance of rain.  Hats, sunscreen, and insect repellent are also often useful.  The trails are usually a single-width foot path, and may have rocks and uneven ground.  Wear appropriate footwear for these conditions.  Day hiking may not require a map and compass, but if there is a trail map available, you will want to bring it.  Don't forget binoculars, field guides, and a camera too!

Remember to Leave No Trace in the woods by following the seven principles of Leave No Trace Outdoor Ethics.  For more information on LNT, follow this link.

The areas and trails listed below are all suitable for day hikes.  Many of these will link to brochures with trail maps.  Have a great day out in the woods!

Day Hiking Areas

Recreation Areas

Recreation Activities