Other Activities


Unmanned Aircraft Systems, also known as drones, can be used in certain areas of the Siuslaw National Forest, with some restrictions depending on whether the use is recreational, commercial, or for research purposes. In some cases, a permit issued by the national forest may be required.

Follow Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations and know where restrictions apply.

Drones are prohibited from the following areas:

Know Before You Go

  • FAA rules and regulations: All drone users are subject to FFA registration and rules regarding safe operations.
  • Commercial and Research Use Permits: If you are flying a drone for any commercial filming or research project you will likely need a permit. Members of the news media should coordinate flights with national forest staff – contact us.
  • Forest Service General Guidance: Know where to fly and how to protect wildlife and the
  • environment.
  • Do not fly over or near wildlife as this can create stress that may cause significant harm and even death. Intentional disturbance of animals during breeding, nesting, rearing of young, or other critical life history functions is prohibited unless approved as research or management.
  • Avoid flying over populated areas such as trailheads, picnic areas, or campgrounds.

Recreation Areas

Recreation Activities