Dispersed Camping

Primitive Camping

Primitive camping is allowed in the Shawnee National Forest with the exception of developed recreation areas, natural areas, along lake shores, near streams or on trails. Equestrian users are prohibited from camping in designated wilderness areas. Primitive camping outside of recreation areas is free and is allowed any time of year. Do not trespass on private land and do not cut down live trees, shrubs or other vegetation. Clean up all personal garbage and make sure all fires are completely out. Campers may camp up to 14 consecutive days, but no permanent structures may be built.

You would need to leave your vehicle at an approved overnight parking area such as the backpacker's parking lot at the Garden of the Gods Wilderness area or at a designated trail head. You would not be allowed to leave your vehicle overnight at any designated Day-Use area or where blocking a road or other access.

Dispersed Camping Areas

Recreation Areas

Recreation Activities