Viewing Plants

Botantists study plants close up near Howard's Gulch.

Pull over along any road in the Modoc National Forest at any time of the year and enjoy the diversity of plant life found here.  Spring is especially beautiful with hundreds of wildflowers.

Please help us!  If you are traveling from forest to forest PLEASE stop in town before and after visiting the forest and wash your car!  You can help stop the transfer of Invasive Weeds from one location to another by taking this simple step.  Don't forget to spray down the undercarriage!

If you hike, please remove all seeds from your clothing, shoes and socks and the coat of your dog.  Help us make sure these unwanted invasive plants don't hitch hike to other areas and across state lines.

Viewing Plants Areas

  • Big Valley Ranger District
  • Devil's Garden Ranger District
  • Doublehead Ranger District
  • Warner Mountain Ranger District

Recreation Areas

Recreation Activities