Campground Camping

The GMUG National Forests have 56 developed campgrounds scattered across the forest in a variety of landscapes from open meadows, creekside riparian areas, to higher elevation aspen, and evergreen forests. Campground openings depends largely on weather conditions and snow removal. Dogs are allowed in campgrounds; however, they must be leashed.

Campground reservations can be made for select sites through or by calling 1-877-444-6777

Camping in Bear Country! The Forest Sevice has issued a forest order to protect people and property from possible bear interactions on the GMUG NF.

Campground Camping Areas

Recreation Areas

Recreation Activities

log cabin with red roof in meadow surrounded by aspens in leafing out in early spring

Silesca Ranger Station- one of several cabins you can reserve on our forest.

tent in woods

Just about all the shelter you need for a night in the backcountry!

fire in ring with RV in background

RV camping with many of the comforts of home!