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Library Card

Hesselbarth, Woody ; Vachowski, Brian ; Davies, Mary Ann. 2007. Trail Construction and Maintenance Notebook: 2007 Edition. 0723 2806. Missoula, MT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, National Technology and Development Program. 178 p.

This notebook describes techniques used to construct and maintain trails. It is written for trail crew workers and is intended to be taken along on work projects. Numerous illustrations help explain the main points. The notebook was printed in 1996 and has been revised slightly during three reprintings. This edition has rearranged and consolidated information throughout the guidebook. Trail construction techniques and references have been updated.

Keywords: climbing turns, drainage, FHWA, fords, grade reversals, puncheon, reclamation, signs, switchbacks, trail construction, trail crews, trail maintenance, training, turnpikes


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