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Library Card

Hallman, Richard G.. 2005. Handtools for Trail Work: 2005 Edition. 0523 2810P. Missoula, MT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, National Technology and Development Program. 54 p.

Describes the handtools commonly used by Forest Service trail crews for sawing, chopping, grubbing, digging and tamping, brushing, pounding and hammering, lifting and hauling, peeling and shaping, sharpening, and rehandling. Includes many illustrations of the tools. Updates Handtools for Trail Work, originally published in 1988 (8823–2601–MTDC). The updates include a new, more comprehensive bibliography of trail construction and maintenance references and updated information about a few pieces of equipment that appeared promising in 1988, but were not widely adopted.

Keywords: axes, bibliographies, FHWA, hammers, hand tools, handtools, saws, sharpening, tools, traditional skill, traditional tool, wilderness management


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