Hobo Cedar Grove Trail #255

Part of the Marble Creek trail system, Trail #255 is a self-guided loop trail through the Hobo Cedar Grove Botanical Area. The 240 acre grove is dominated by a dense canopy of large western red cedar with a carpet of lady fern. The trail has a gentle gradient making it accessible to older persons or those with moderate physical impairments. The trail width is about 40 inches. An occasional log bench provides seating along the trail.

USGS Quad(s): Grandmother Mountain
View an elevation profile of the trail.
View a detailed map of the trail area.

Vicinity map - click for a detailed map of the trail area

At a Glance

Open Season: May
Usage: Light
Restrictions: Open to foot travel only.
Closest Towns: Clarkia, Idaho; St. Maries, Idaho

General Information


From Clarkia, Idaho follow Forest Road 301 to Forest Road 321. Follow Forest Road 321 to Forest Road 3357. Follow Forest Road 3357 to the trailhead.

From St. Maries, Idaho follow Forest Highway 50 to Forest Road 321 at Marble Creek. Follow Forest Road 321 to Forest Road 3357. Follow Forest Road 3357 to the trailhead.

Recreation Map

Map showing recreational areas. Map Information


Day Hiking

Trail #254 is a self-guided loop trail through the Hobo Cedar Grove Botanical Area. Within the grove huge cedar columns rise out of a dense mat of lady fern. A small stream tumbles toward the West Fork of Hobo Creek. There are occasional log benches along the trail. The gentle gradient (plus or minus 8%) makes the trail accessible to people of all ages and those with moderate physical impairments.

Difficulty Level: Easy

Viewing Plants

Hobo Cedar Grove Trail is a easy loop trail through a 240 acre old growth cedar grove. Follow the interpretive trail to learn more about the old growth cedar forest.

Related Information

Recreation Areas

Recreation Activities


  Area/Length : 
0.5 miles

  Latitude : 

  Longitude : 

  Elevation : 
4400 feet