Gearhart Mountain Wilderness


Gearhart Mountain Wilderness Trail Map

Gearhart Mountain Wilderness Trail Map  

Gearhart Mountain Wilderness

Gearhart Wilderness offers 22,684 acres of some of the most spectacular views from any angle as well as solitude, and a remote area with primitive recreation opportunities. At 8,364 feet, Gearhart Mountain stands higher than all the other volcanic domes in this Wilderness of high mountain meadows, cirques, and U-shaped valleys. Picturesque rock formations cap most of the ridgelines, offering sweeping views of the artistic sculpturings of  long-vanished glaciers. Lodgepole pine, ponderosa pine, whitebark pine and white fir dominate the vegetation. There is only one lake in the Wilderness, Blue Lake. The Wild and Scenic North Fork Sprague River sweeps past the northern boundary of the area.

The main thoroughfare, Gearhart Mountain Trail, provides about 13 miles of access for foot and horse traffic along the main ridge and to the well-visited shores of Blue Lake. Joining the main trail from the southwest is the 3 mile Boulder Springs Trail to the wilderness boundary and 3.5 miles to Deming Creek Trailhead. The wilderness has fairly gentle terrain and open forestland with beautiful mountain meadows with lush green ground cover, stands of aspens, and multitude of spring flowers that invites visitors to explore all corners of the wilderness The snow starts in late September and may linger until early July. Snowshoeing and backcountry skiing are increasingly popular sports here.

Gearhart Mountain Wilderness Area

At a Glance

Restrictions: Wilderness regulations apply
  • Closed to motorize and mechanized vehicle use.
  • Recommended maximum group size: 10 (people & animals).
  • Pack & Saddle animals are not permitted within 200 ft of Blue Lake or any stream.
  • Check at the Ranger Stations for fire restrictions.
Closest Towns: Bly, OR
Information Center: Bly Ranger District

General Information


 Trailheads and trails that access Gearhart Wilderness:

Topo maps

Campbell Reservoir, Gearhart Mountain, Lee Thomas Crossing, Sandhill Crossing.  Download free U.S. Forest Service Topo maps.

Buy maps online

Go to the National Forest Store.

Go to for online maps and other important Wilderness information.

General Notes:

Garbage: Burn what you can and Pack out what you can't.

Water: No maintained water systems; boil all water taken from open sources.

Safety: The wilderness is an environment that is unpredictable so bring clothing and supplies for all types of weather and situations. Always let someone know where you are going and when you expect to return.

The Gearhart Mountain Wilderness was significantly impacted by the 2021 Bootleg Fire. Large segments of this wilderness have a tree mortality rate of 91% or greater. Two of the three trailheads accessing this wilderness, Lookout Rock Trailhead and Deming Creek Trailhead, will remain closed until further notice.

North Fork Sprague Trailhead is open. There are hundreds of trees down on the trail system within this wilderness and the trail tread is difficult to find in multiple locations due to fire impacts. It’s estimated that 50+ trees are on the ground between North Fork Sprague Trailhead and Blue Lake. Visitors are cautioned of the following:

  • Visitors should not assume these, or any National Forest System lands, are safe. Post-fire recovery work continues even as areas reopen. Visitors are encouraged to stay alert while travelling through work areas.
  • While the landscape is recovering, effects of fire can create hazards that could still be a threat in recently burned areas for the next five to ten years. Hazards may include flash floods and debris flows; falling rocks; burned stump holes, root chambers; infrastructure damage and fire-weakened trees.
  • Carefully consider travel routes and campsite locations during and after rain or high wind events. Be aware of potential hazards uphill or upstream of your location.
  • For more information about safety in burned areas, visit:
  • We remind visitors to be aware of fire conditions in the area you are visiting and follow guidelines to prevent human-caused fire starts. The public’s role in recreating responsibly has never been more important.
  • The Forest Service thanks our partners and the public for their cooperation and understanding.

General maps and other basic information are available at trailhead bulletin boards and Ranger District offices.


River and Stream Fishing

Day Hiking


Horse Riding

Viewing Wildlife

Viewing Plants

Viewing Scenery


Related Information

Recreation Areas

Recreation Activities



  Elevation : 
7500 feet