
  • All Forests in the Intermountain Region

    Evening light on a mountain range with trees in the foreground and dark skies above

    Discover the lands of the Intermountain Region, which is home to 12 forests and one grassland and 34 million acres to enjoy your favorite recreational activities including hiking, biking, camping, fishing, OHV and more!

  • History and Archaeology

    ancient cave drawings.

    The Intermountain Region’s historical narrative includes many people, places, policies and events. You'll find everything from homesteads to ranger stations, artifacts, and charcoal kilns.

  • Science and Innovation

    A scientist looks at soil samples in a laboratory.

    The Forest Service works at the forefront of science to improve the health and use of our Nation's forests and grasslands. Research has been part of the Forest Service mission since the agency's inception in 1905.

  • Working for the Forest Service

    Two forest workers wading down a stream with scientific instruments.

    A job with the U.S. Forest service offers a nearly unending variety of opportunities. Learn about the many career possibilities at the U.S. Forest Service from forest management, research and conservation to wildland firefighting.

  • Wilderness

    A person hikes down the side of a mountain.

    The Intermountain Region is home to 38 designated Wilderness Areas covering approximately 5.5 million acres. In these special areas you can enjoy primitive recreation and solitude in some of the Nation's most impressive terrain. 

  • Wildfire Videos: Understand, Prevent, Protect and Learn

     A mountain landscape on fire.

    Learn about how the U.S. Forest Service manages fires and get tips on preventing fires and reducing fire risk in your community. There are also videos about fire restoration, management and wildfire training and careers.