
All current Forest Service job vacancies are posted on USAJOBS. The web-based applications of USAJOBS provide an opportunity for job candidates to create a profile, search for jobs, sign-up for vacancy announcements, apply for jobs, and check the status of jobs for which they have applied. 

View a list of all current Forest Service jobs in Oregon and Washington on USAJOBS

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Are there any current job openings on the Fremont National Forest?

Current opportunities: 

Posted 10/16/2015, Lake County, OR Scholarship Program for high school students: Lake County, OR has three different scholarship programs that provide up to $8,400 a year towards colleges in state and out of state, for students that attend one of the two high schools in the county, and in some cases home school in the county for the four years that a child and their parents reside in Lake County, OR. This scholarship can continue through a Master’s and Doctorate programs. Please view these links to get more information on the scholarships:

Seasonal positions: Temporary hiring occurs in the winter months for Region 6. The application period for the 2016 Temporary Spring/Summer positions is now closed.  Over 1000 jobs are being filled from the November 30-December 7th's application period. Positions will be offered between Feburary 15-March 4. You can view current and upcoming Forest Service job opportunities - across the nation - online at: https://fsoutreach.gdcii.com/Outreach.

How do I apply for Permanent Employment?

  • All permanent jobs are advertised through the USAJOBS website. You can search the current job vacancy announcements by agency, location, salary range, or by "series" (a system that identifies the type of work). Some positions are only open to current Federal Employees; only the jobs open to everyone will be shown in the search results.

How do I apply for Temporary (Seasonal) Employment?

  • Every Year, the Forest Service hires thousands of temporary (mostly summer) employees for a variety of jobs, most of them in the field. Many positions are advertised on the USAJOBS site in the late winter or spring.

What are the Opportunities for Students and Recent Graduates?

Where do I find out information about Contracting?