Stanislaus Hotshots History

Stanislaus Hotshots

link to a photograph of 14 firefighters receiving an operational briefing in the field

The crew averages 20-25 fires per season. Employment dates are usually from May 1st through November 15th. Crew assignments are primarily throughout the Western United States with extended tours away from the duty station.

When not fighting fire the crew focuses on training and development of Firefighter 2, Firefighter 1, and Single Resource Supervisors. We also spend time maintaining our skills cutting and maintaining fuel breaks throughout the district. We are also involved in Fire Management and forest restoration activities on the Forest.


The Stanislaus Hotshot Crew was established under the direction of Charlie Gripp. The crew was based at Long Barn Elementary School through 1978.


The crew moved locations under Superintendent,Greg Overacker, to Bald Mountain Heli-tack Base and remained there until 1981.


The crew relocated to Long Barn Engine Station, until 1984.


The crew worked out of the Mi-Wok District Warehouse.


The crew found a more suitable facility in Sonora, where it currently presides.

Crew Superintendents

Name Dates
Brandon Hull 2021 - present
Shawn Baker 2007-2021
Felix Berbina 2006-2007
Greg Overacker 1979-2006
Charlie Gripp 1974-1978

Crew Captains

Name Dates
Tim Markin  

Featured Events

Inmage of an embroidered patch depicting two crossed chainsaws

Stanislaus Hotshots established 1974