Resource Management

Caring for the land and serving people

The Forest Service is charged with managing natural resources in a way that best serves the multiple needs of a growing nation.

Natural Resource Management

A critical part of the Forest Service mission is protecting and managing the national forests and grasslands so they best demonstrate the sustainable multiple-use management concept.  Managing the natural resources of the Nation's forests and grasslands requires the complex integration of resource assessments, management actions, and cooperative partnerships.

  • Geospatial Data

    A black and white graphic representing layers of data and a waypoint symbol.

    Selected GIS datasets for the Pacific Southwest Region are available for download from this area. The scale at which the Pacific Southwest's GIS data was developed depends upon the subject and type of data.

  • Climate Change

    A graphic representing climate change showing a tree and roots.

    The Forest Service strategy for dealing with climate change is based on 25 years of targeted research and a century of science and management experience.

  • Plants & Animals

    A Forest Service employee gently holds a sage grouse.

    The diverse habitats found in the Region harbor an abundance of wildlife, fish and rare plant resources.

  • Ecology

    Two people measure burnt base of Sequoia tree. Burnt trees in background, pine needles on ground.

    Facilitating the application of current ecological science to land and resource management on National Forests in California.