June 2014 Assessment

1.0 Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystems and Watersheds

2.0 Air, Soil, and Water Resources and Quality

3.0 System Drivers

4.0 Baseline Assessment of Carbon Stocks

5.0 Threatened, Endangered, Proposed, and Candidate Species—Wildlife

6.0 Socioeconomic Conditions and Trends

6.0 Socioeconomic Climate Change Vulnerability Report

7.0 - 8.0 Multiple Use and Ecosystem Services

9.0 Recreation

10.0 Renewable and Nonrenewable Energy and Mineral Resources

11.0 Infrastructure

12.0 Areas of Tribal Importance

13.0 Cultural and Historic Resources and Uses

14.0 Land Status and Ownership, Use and Access Patterns

15.0 Designated Areas (includes roadless area information formerly at 16.0)

17.0 Research Natural Areas

18.0 Potential Species of Conservation Concern (update 7/10/2014)

Ecoadapt Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment for Resources of the Nez-Perce Clearwater National Forests

If you wish to participate in the Revision Collaborative as an E-participant a Comment Inbox is available. To provide input on Assessment Information, please include the words ASSESSMENT and the SECTION NUMBER in the subject line that your input addresses. The e-mail address for comments is fpr_npclw@fs.fed.us.

Important Note: Names and physical and e-mail addresses submitted on this website, or in response to any request for comments, will be included in the project record for forest plan revision and may be released to the public if requested under the Freedom of Information Act.


Key Contacts

Contact Us

We welcome input into any part of the process at any time. Please contact any member of our team listed below.  Comments and suggestions may also be submitted to the plan revision e-mail address: sm.fs.fpr_npclw@usda.gov

Zach Peterson 
Public and Government Relations Staff Officer

Sara Daugherty
Forest Planner

Kevin Labrum
Wildlife Biologist

Megan Lucas
Ecologist (Soils and Hydrology)

Buddie Carroll
Forest Vegetation Specialist

Justin Pappani
Fire Ecologist

RJ Hemingway
Fisheries Biologist