Thunder Basin Grassland Restoration & Prairie Dog Colony Management

Close up photo of a prairie dog emerging from its hole

This site is intended to serve as an information repository for Thunder Basin Prairie Dog Colony Management. It will be periodically updated, as new information becomes available.

Current Happenings

  • The U.S. Forest Service, Thunder Basin National Grassland, has undertaken a Grassland Land and Resource Management Plan Amendment under the 2012 Planning Rule. The final Record of Decision was released on December 2, 2020 (view news release) and the Amendment is available to view in the Federal Register.
  • Concurrent with the amendment process, Forest and Regional Staff are actively engaged in on-the-ground restoration and control projects. Many of these projects are now coordinated by the Thunder Basin Working Group, comprised of interested stakeholders and convened by Wyoming County Commissioners Association.
  • The intent is to provide a foundation for a collaborative environment to cultivate short and long-term solutions to prairie dog colony impacts on the Grassland. The Forest Service is encouraging groups to work together to develop management alternatives for the agency to consider, which will be durable and provide for the long-term success of the Grassland.

Mid-distance photo of a prairie dog walking across a large boulder in the ground

Thunder Basin National Grassland Plan Information

Important Links

Historic Information

2009 Prairie Dog Management - Amendment #3

2015 Prairie Dog Conservation Assessment & Management Strategy

Original 2009 Prairie Dog Conservation Assessment & Management Strategy

1981 USFS Prairie Dog Environmental Assessment

Additional Documents

Recent News/Press Releases