Wild Hyacinth

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(Brodiaea douglasii)

EDIBLE - see below

History: "Brodiaea" was named for James J. Brodie, a Scotch botanist. "Douglasii" indicates that the species designation of the plant was named for David Douglas.

Description: The Wild Hyacinth has blue, tubular-shaped flowers in a cluster at the top called an umbel. There are 5 to 15 flowers in the umbel with each flower about 1 inch long. This flower cluster sits at the top of a slender leafless stem which has a few basal, grass like leaves that are shorter than the stem. The Wild Hyacinth has a coated bulb. It blooms in late April to early May.

Habitat: Found in open woods of valleys, hills and mountains as well as meadows and rocky areas.

Medicinal value: The bulb of this plant is edible and was a particular favorite of the Nez Perce Indians. It was eaten either raw or cooked and has a sweet, nutlike flavor.

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Key Contacts

IPNF Public Affairs Officer
Patrick Lair
(208) 765-7211

IPNF Fire Public Affairs
Kary G Maddox
(208) 557-8813

Idaho Panhandle Avalanche Center (IPAC)


Coeur d'Alene and Silver Valley:


Kootenai Area - Libby, MT: