Wilderness Regulations

Please review and follow these Wilderness regulations to help keep these areas clean, wild, and pristine.  FR numbers refer to the Code of Federal Regulations, a collection of rules and regulations enforced by federal agencies.

Nationwide Wilderness Regulations:

Motorized equipment and equipment used for mechanical transport is prohibited. This includes the use of motor vehicles, drones, motorboats, motorized equipment, bicycles, hang gliders, wagons, carts, portage wheels, and the landing of aircraft including helicopters.

Gifford Pinchot Wilderness Regulations:

  • Entering the Wildernesses without a permit is prohibited (36 CFR 261.57(a)). Permits are required to enter any Wilderness on the Gifford Pinchot National Forest. These permits are free, and may be self-issued at trailheads.
  • Entering or being in wilderness with a group consisting of a combination of persons, and pack or saddle stock exceeding 12 in total number is prohibited (36 CFR 261.58(f)).
  • Using or possessing any type of wagon, cart, or other wheeled vehicle is prohibited (36 CFR 261.57(h))
  • Shortcutting a trail switchback is prohibited (36 CFR 261.55(d)).
  • Camping within 100 feet slope distance from the shoreline of any lake and/or the Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail, except at Dana Yelverton Shelter within the Goat Rocks Wilderness is prohibited (36 CFR 261.58(e)).
  • Grazing, hitching, tethering, or hobbling any pack or saddle livestock within 200 feet slope distance of the shoreline of any lake is prohibited (36 CFR 261.57(a), 36 CFR 261.57(e), 36 CFR 261.58(aa)).
  • Possessing or transporting unprocessed hay or grain livestock feed is prohibited (36 CFR 261.58(t)). Unprocessed hay or grain is defined to mean baled hay or straw or other forms of livestock feed that may serve as a seed source for noxious weeds, non-native, or other undesirable plants.
  • Caching or storing equipment, personal property, or supplies is prohibited (36 CFR 261.57(f)). Caching is defined to mean leaving equipment unattended for more than 48 hours.
  • Being in an area posted as being closed for restoration, wilderness restoration, or rehabilitation is prohibited (36 CFR 261.53(b)).

Wilderness-Specific Regulations:

Mt. Adams Wilderness

  • Building, maintaining, or using a campfire, within Mt. Adams Wilderness is prohibited:
    • Above the Round-The-Mountain Trail #9 from the Gifford Pinchot National Forest Boundary west to Pacific Crest Trail #2000;
    • Above Pacific Crest Trail #2000 north to the intersection of Highline Trail #114;
    • Above trail #114 north and east to the Gifford Pinchot Forest Boundary. (36 CFR 261.52(a)
    • View map of campfire restriction area.
  • Purchase of a Mount Adams Climbing Pass is required from May 1st to September 30th for anyone age 16 and older traveling above 7000ft elevation on Mt. Adams, even if not attempting the summit. . (For Wilderness travel at low elevation or during the off-season, Wilderness Permits are required.) (Failing to pay any special use fee or other charges as required. 36 CFR 261.10(n)).

Goat Rocks Wilderness

  • Building, maintaining, or using a campfire within Shoe Lake Basin, at Dana Yelverton Shelter or within ¼ mile of the shoreline of Goat Lake (36 CFR 261.52(a)) is prohibited.
  • Camping within Snowgrass Flat and camping within Shoe Lake Basin is prohibited (36 CFR 261.58(e)). 

Indian Heaven Wilderness

Tatoosh Wilderness

  • Camping within 100 feet slope distance from the shoreline of any lake within Tatoosh Lakes Basin is prohibited. (36 CFR 261.58(e))
  • Building, maintaining, or using a campfire within Tatoosh Lakes Basin is prohibited.  (36 CFR 261.52(a))
  • Possessing or using a saddle, pack or draft animal on the Tatoosh Lakes Trail #161B is prohibited. Stock use is not allowed in the Tatoosh Lakes Basin. (36 CFR 261.55(c))