Butterflies on the Fremont-Winema National Forests

Butterflies on the Fremont-Winema National Forests
By: Robert L. Wooley, Forest Ecologist

Butterflies comprise one of the major subdivisions of the insect order LEPIDOPTERA. Approximately one hundred and twenty species of butterfly and several additional subspecies have been recorded, mostly by amateur observers, in Lake and Klamath Counties, Oregon. These insects, well known for the beauty they lend to warm summer days, are also an integral part of the ecosystems they inhabit. Many pollinate plants and serve as food sources for birds. Recent work has shown that the health of native ecosystems can be be monitored by the abundance and distribution of these insects. Recording the species from a geographic area can provide a baseline from which to judge the effects of changes over time that may be occuring.

The checklist that follows is an attempt to provide an approximation of the number and kind of species occuring at the present time in this area. Anyone who sights a species not on the below list is invited to report their observation to the forest ecologist, Robert Wooley at 541-576-7564. To see a full size photo of the butterflies below click on the image.

Some Common Butterflies on the Fremont-Winema National Forests

Branded skipper

Common Branded Skipper Hesperia coma harpalus

The Branded Skipper is one of the most common butterflies in the Great Basin Sagelands and the pine forests of the Cascades. It nectars frequently at flowers in the Asteraceae or Sunflower family.

Beckers White

Becker's White Pontia beckeri

Becker's white is frequently observed nectaring on thistles and other members of the sunflower family.

Sandhill skipper

Sandhill Skipper Polites sabuletii

A common skipper emerging in late July and August frequently visiting rabbitbrush. This skipper lays its eggs on desert saltgrass a species of alkaline flats.

Sandhill skipper egg Sandhill Skipper egg Polites sabuletii

Egg of sandhill skipper on desert saltgrass. Observing where butterflies lay their eggs can be a challenging photographic pursuit requiring both physical agility and acute observation skills. Information gleaned from making these observations can be very valuable to the conservation of both the insects and plants they interact with.

Sonora skipper

Sonora Skipper Polites sonora

A male sonora skipper (on left) courting a female. Male skippers establish territories they patrol. When a female enters their territory courtship ensues with the male displaying and attempting to win the females attention.

Juba skipper

Juba Skipper Hesperia juba

Telling skippers apart requires a fine sense of observing details. The juba skipper has longer more pointed wings than the branded skipper and slightly different markings.

Arrowhead Blue Arrowhead Blue Glaucopsyche piasus

There are many species of blue butterflies. Telling them apart is often difficult. One of the more easily identified blues is the arrowhead with its distinctive arrowhead shaped white wing marks. The ancient Greek word for butterfly is psyche incorporated into the genus name of this species. To the Greeks the mysterious metamorphosis that takes place from the ugly caterpillar to the beautiful butterfly was associated with the transformation sometimes seen in the human psyche

Zerene fritillary

Zerene Fritillary Speyeria zerene conchyliatus

Probably the most common meadow fritillary observed on the Fremont/Winema.

Checklist of Butterflies Occuring on or near the Fremont-Winema National Forests

County: K = Klamath L = Lake

Common name
Scientific name County
HESPERIIDAE Duskeywing Erynnus pacuvius lilius K,L
HESPERIIDAE Perseus Duskeywing Erynnus perseus K,L
HESPERIIDAE Rural skipper Pyrgus ruralis ruralis K,L
HESPERIIDAE Common skipper Pyrgus communis K,L
HESPERIIDAE none Helopetes erectorum K,L
HESPERIIDAE Libya skipper Hesperopsis libya lena K,L
HESPERIIDAE none Carterocephalus palaemon menis K
HESPERIIDAE Juba skipper (Photo) Hesperia juba K,L
HESPERIIDAE Common Branded Skipper (Photo) Hesperia coma harpalus K,L
HESPERIIDAE Branded Skipper Hesperia coma oregana K,L
HESPERIIDAE Columbia skipper Hesperia columbiae K
HESPERIIDAE Sandhill skipper (Photo) Polites sabuleti sabuleti K,L
HESPERIIDAE Sonora skipper (Photo) Polites sonora sonora K,L
HESPERIIDAE Sachem Atalopetes campestris campestrus K
HESPERIIDAE Woodland skipper (Photo) Ochlodes sylvanoides sylvanoides K,L
HESPERIIDAE Agricola skipper Ochlodes agricola agricola K
HESPERIIDAE Yuma skipper Ochlodes yuma K,L
HESPERIIDAE Dun skipper Euphyes vestris vestris K,L
PAPILIONIDAE Menapia parnassus Parnasus menapia menapia K,L
PAPILIONIDAE none Battus philemon hirsuta K
PAPILIONIDAE Baird Swallowtail Papilio bairdi oreganus K
PAPILIONIDAE Anise Swallowtail Papilio zelicaon zelicaon K,L
PAPILIONIDAE Indra swallowtail Papilio indra indra K,L
PAPILIONIDAE none Papilio rululus rutulus K,L
PAPILIONIDAE Twin tailed swallowtail Papilio multicaudatus K,L
PAPILIONIDAE Pale western swallowtail Pteraurus eurymedon K,L
PIERIDAE Becker's white (Photo) Pontia beckeri K,L
PIERIDAE none Pontia sisymbrii flavimata K
PIERIDAE none Pontia protodice K,L
PIERIDAE Western white Pontia occidentalis occidentalis K,L
PIERIDAE none Pieris napi marginalis K,L
PIERIDAE Cabbage white Pieris rappae K,L
PIERIDAE none Euchloe ausinoides ausinoides K,L
PIERIDAE none Euchloe hyantes hyantes K,L
PIERIDAE Sara orangetip Anthocaris sara sara K,L
PIERIDAE Gray marble Anthocaris lanceolata K,L
PIERIDAE none Colias philodoce eriphyle K,L
PIERIDAE Alfalfa butterfly Colias eurytheme K,L
PIERIDAE Alexandra Yellow Colias alexandra edwardsii K,L
LYCAENIDAE none Lycaena cupreus cupreus K,L
LYCAENIDAE Edith's copper Gaeides editha editha K,L
LYCAENIDAE Gorgon copper Gaeides gorgon K,L
LYCAENIDAE Ruddy copper Chalceria rubidus rubidus K,L
LYCAENIDAE Blue copper Chalceria heteronea K,L
LYCAENIDAE Purplish copper Epidemia helloides K,L
LYCAENIDAE Nivalis copper Epidemia nivalis K,L
LYCAENIDAE none Epidemia nivalis brownii K
LYCAENIDAE Mariposa copper Epidemia mariposa K,L
LYCAENIDAE none Habrodais grunus herri K
LYCAENIDAE Great Purple hairstreak Atlides halesus estessi K,L
LYCAENIDAE none Harkenclenis titus immaculosus K,L
LYCAENIDAE Behr's Satyr Satyrium behri columbia K,L
LYCAENIDAE Sooty Hairstreak Satyrium fuliginosum fuliginosum K,L
LYCAENIDAE California Hairstreak Satyrium californicum K,L
LYCAENIDAE Sylvan Hairstreak Satyrium sylvinus sylvinus K,L
LYCAENIDAE Gold hunter's hairstreak Satyrium aureotorum aureotorum K
LYCAENIDAE Mountain Mahogany Hairstreak Satyrium tetra K,L
LYCAENIDAE Hedgerow hairstreak Satyrium saepium saepium K,L
LYCAENIDAE Bramble Green hairstreak Callophrys dumetorum dumetorum K,L
LYCAENIDAE Whitelined Green Hairstreak Callophrys sheridani newcomeri K
LYCAENIDAE none Callophrys sheridani lamberti K,L
LYCAENIDAE Thicket Hairstreak Mitoura spinotorum spinotorum L
LYCAENIDAE Johnson's hairstreak Mitoura johnsoni K,L
LYCAENIDAE Nelson's hairstreak Mitoura nelsoni K,L
LYCAENIDAE Juniper hairstreak (Photo) Mitoura siva K,L
LYCAENIDAE Brown Elfin Incisalia augustinus iroides K,L
LYCAENIDAE Western Pine elfin Incisalia eryphon eryphon K,L
LYCAENIDAE Gray hairstreak Strymon melinus setoni K,L
LYCAENIDAE Western pygmy blue Brehidium exile K
LYCAENIDAE Eastern tailed blue Evres comyntas comyntas K,L
LYCAENIDAE Western tailed blue Evres amyntula amyntula K
LYCAENIDAE Azure Celastrina argiolus echo K,L
LYCAENIDAE Square spotted blue Euphilotes battoides oreganus K,L
LYCAENIDAE Dotted blue Euphilotes enoptes enoptes K,L
LYCAENIDAE Arrowhead blue (Photo) Glaucopsyche piasus piasus K,L
LYCAENIDAE Silvery blue Glaucospyche lygdamus columbia K,L
LYCAENIDAE none Plebejus idas ricei K,L
LYCAENIDAE Melissa blue (Photo) Pebejus melissa melissa K,L
LYCAENIDAE Greenish blue Plebejus saepiolus saepiolus K,L
LYCAENIDAE Common blue Icaria icariodes ardea K,L
LYCAENIDAE Common blue Icaria icariodes icariodes K,L
LYCAENIDAE Shasta blue Icaria shasta shasta K,L
LYCAENIDAE Acmon blue Icaria acmon acmon K
LYCAENIDAE Lupine blue Icaria lupini lupini K
LYCAENIDAE High Mountain blue Agriades glandon podarce K
RIODINIDAE Mormon metalmark Apodemia mormo mormo K,L
NYMPHALIDAE Spangled fritillary Speyeria cybele leto K,L
NYMPHALIDAE Corona fritillary Speyeria coronis coronis K,L
NYMPHALIDAE Zerene fritillary (Photo) Speyeria zerene conchyliatus K,L
NYMPHALIDAE Zerene fritillary Speyeria zerene gunderi L
NYMPHALIDAE Callipe fritillary Speyeria callipe semivirida K,L
NYMPHALIDAE Callipe fritillary Speyeria callipe elaine K,L
NYMPHALIDAE Egleis fritillary Speyeria egleis egleis K,L
NYMPHALIDAE Owen's egleis fritillary Speyeria egleis oweni K
NYMPHALIDAE Moeck's fritillary Speyeria egleis moecki K
NYMPHALIDAE Atlantis fritillary Speyeria atlantis dodgei K
NYMPHALIDAE Atlantis fritillary Speyeria atlantis irene L
NYMPHALIDAE Hydaspe fritillary Speyeria hydaspe purpurescens K,L
NYMPHALIDAE Mormon fritillary Speyeria mormo erinna K,L
NYMPHALIDAE Meadow fritillary Boloria epithore chernocki K,L
NYMPHALIDAE Northern checkerspot Charidryas palla palla K,L
NYMPHALIDAE Whitney checkerspot Charidryas palla whitneyi K,L
NYMPHALIDAE Aster checkerspot Charidryas hoffmanni segregata K
NYMPHALIDAE Field Crescentspot (Photo) Phyciodes campestris K,L
NYMPHALIDAE Orseis Crescentspot Phyciodes orseis orseis K
NYMPHALIDAE Mylitta Crescentspot phyciodes mylitta mylitta K,L
NYMPHALIDAE Anicia Checkerspot Euphydras anicia veazieae L
NYMPHALIDAE Chalcedon Checkerspot Euphydras chalcedona wallacencis K,L
NYMPHALIDAE Edith's Checkerspot Euphydras editha adonia K
NYMPHALIDAE Edith's Checkerspot Euphydras editha edithiana K,L
NYMPHALIDAE Edith's Checkerspot Euphydras editha lawrencei K,L
NYMPHALIDAE Satyr Anglewing Polygonia satyrus K,L
NYMPHALIDAE Hoary Comma Polygonia gracilus zephyrus K,L
NYMPHALIDAE Gray comma Polygonia progne oreas K
NYMPHALIDAE Compton Tortoiseshell Nymphalus vau-album watsoni K
NYMPHALIDAE California tortoiseshell Nymphalus californica K,L
NYMPHALIDAE Mourning cloak Nymphalus antiopa antiopa K,L
NYMPHALIDAE Milbert's tortoiseshell Nymphalus milberti milberti K,L
NYMPHALIDAE American painted lady Vanessa virginiensis K,L
NYMPHALIDAE Painted lady Vanessa cardui K,L
NYMPHALIDAE West Coast lady Vanessa annabella K,L
NYMPHALIDAE Red Admiral Vanessa atalanta rubria K,L
NYMPHALIDAE Buckeye Junonia coenia K,L
NYMPHALIDAE Loquin's admiral (Photo) Liminites lorquini burrisoni K,L
NYMPHALIDAE California Sister Adelpha bredowii californica K
NYMPHALIDAE Northwest Ringlet (Photo) Coenonympha tullia ampelos K,L
NYMPHALIDAE Large woodnymph Coenonympha pegala ariane K,L
NYMPHALIDAE Large woodnymph Coenonympha pegals gabbii K,L
NYMPHALIDAE Stenele's Woodnymph (Photo) Cercyonis sthenele paulus K,L
NYMPHALIDAE Dark woodnymph Cercyonis oetus oetus KL
NYMPHALIDAE Riding's Satyr (unconfirmed and doubtful) Neominois ridingsii L
NYMPHALIDAE Great Arctic Oenesis nevadensis nevadensis ,L
NYMPHALIDAE Monarch Danaus plexippus K,L

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