Elfin-Woods Warbler

Photo of the Elfin Woods Warbler, Reinita de Bosque Enano

Elfin-woods Warbler (Eng.), Reinita de Bosque Enano(Sp.), Dendroica angelae Information compiled by Víctor M. Cuevas, Biological Scientist, EYNF/LEF

Photo by:  Tomás A. Carlo

General Notes

Cameron and Angela Kepler noticed a warbler of peculiar appearance while conducting intensive studies with the Puerto Rican Parrot (Amazona vittata) and the Puerto Rican Tody (Todus mexicanus) back in 1968.  On May 18, 1971 one individual was captured in the high slopes of El Yunque Peak, and it proved to be an undescribed species.  More individuals were collected and prepared for museum studies.  A new species was discovered and named:  The Elfin Woods Warbler, (Dendroica angelae).


Adult specimen - entirely black and white, it is distinguished by the thin, white eyebrow stripe, white patches on ear coverts and neck, incomplete eyering and black crown.

Young (Immature) specimen - Similar in pattern to the adult, but black is replaced by grayish-green on the back and yellowish-green on the head and underparts. It is very similar to the Black and White Warbler, a non-breeding resident of the West Indies.

Natural History

The Elfin Woods Warbler is endemic to Puerto Rico, where it is uncommon and local in distribution. It’s habitat is the dense vines of the canopy in humid, mountain dwarf forests on ridges and summits, sometimes ranging to lower elevation Palo Colorado Forest. It breeds from March to June and the nest have been described as a compact cup, usually close to trunk and well hidden among epiphytes of a small tree. (Raffaele).


Song is a series of short, rapidly uttered, rather unmusical notes on one pitch, swelling in volume and terminating with a short series of distinct double syllables sounding slightly lower in pitch. Contact note is similar to the song, but lacks the terminal syllables. The call not is a single, short, metallic chip (Kepler and Parkes).

CLICK HERE to hear the sound of this bird.


In the east, it is known from Carite and Luquillo Mountains. In the west it is restricted to the upper elevation of the Maricao State Forest.

Look for it in the EYNF

If you plan to visit the El Yunque National Forest, look for it in the Tradewinds Trail - Dwarf Forest.

Additional Information

Raffaele, Herbert A. 1998. A guide to the Birds of the West Indies. P. 406 Princeton University Press

Kepler, C.B. and K. C. Parkes. 1972. A new species of warbler (Parulidae) from Puerto Rico. Auk, 89 (1): 1-18

Fish and Wildlife Services (FWS) Elfin Woods Warbler