Carson National Forest Plan Revision

The Carson National Forest began revision of its previous forest plan in 2014 and adopted a new Land Management Plan in 2022. The plan provides strategic direction to guide management of forest resources and is a framework for site-specific decision making. This page archives documents associated with the plan revision process. The final plan is available here.

This series of videos describes the complexities of the forest plan revision process and the connection of the plan to communities and partners in northern New Mexico.

The following table outlines the planning phases, process, and activities.



Proposed Date



  • Evaluate existing and relevant data and information
  • Assess sustainability of social, economic and ecological resources within the plan area and a broader landscape
  • Begin public involvement and communication processes

September 2015

Species of Conservation Concern (SCC)


  • Evaluate existing and relevant data and information about species indicating substantial concern about the species’ capability to persist over the long term in the Carson National Forest.
  • Begin communication and public input on Potential SCCs.
  • Concurrence of Potential SCC List with Regional Forester.
  • Final SCC when Final Forest Plan Decision is signed.

Release date: May 2015

Approved Potential List March 2016

Updated 2019

Final List Summer 2022

Plan Need to Change


  • Utilizes information gathered from the assessment.
  • Reviews key findings
  • Highlights areas of the 1986 Forest Plan that need to be updated in the revised forest plan

September 2015

Public Involvement and Comments on Assessment, SCCs, Forest Plan Need to Change


  • Obtain public feedback on Assessment, SCCs, and Plan Need to Change

September 2015

Notice of Intent


  • Notification to Revise the land management Plan in Federal Register with a 45-day scoping period for public comment on the Proposed Action

October 2015

Wilderness Inventory and Evaluation Process


  • Initiate process for wilderness recommendation to determine what forest lands may be potentially eligible for designation as Wilderness as required by 2012 Planning Rule

Inventory March 2016

Evaluation September 2016

Public Involvement during Wilderness  


  • Obtain public feedback on each step of wilderness process

Fall  2017-2018

Eligible Wild and Scenic Rivers


  • Obtain public feedback on Wild and Scenic River eligibility evaluation

Process document April 2017

Evaluation v1 September 2017

Evaluation v2 January 2018

Evaluation v3 April 2019

Final evaluation Summer 2022

Preliminary Draft Proposed Plan


  • Address potential desired conditions, management objectives, and other plan components based on needs to change
  • Release for public comment
  • Identify issues raised by the public and develop alternatives to address the issues

July 2017- Forest-wide Plan Components and (v1)

December 2017-Forest-wide, Designated Areas, and Management Areas (v2)


Public Involvement during Preliminary Draft Proposed Plan


  • Obtain public feedback on Preliminary Draft Proposed Plan, management areas, and alternatives

Winter 2017- 2018

Draft Proposed Plan and Draft EIS


  • Develop a draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) that analyzes the effects upon the environment of each of the Plan alternatives

Summer 2019

Public Comments on Draft Plan and EIS


  • Obtain public feedback for at least 90 days on proposed plan and draft EIS
  • Comments are used to prepare a final EIS

Fall 2019

Final Plan, EIS and Record of Decision (ROD)


  • Based on comments received during comment period, Final EIS is prepared
  • Final EIS includes FS responses to comments received during comment period
  • Draft Record of Decision (identifies the preferred alternative) is prepared

Final versions of the plan and EIS are complete.

Final ROD Summer 2022

Objection Process


  • Prior to approving the preferred alternative, the public raises issues related to the Plan revision and suggests ways to improve the plan decision
  • Regional Forester reviews objections following the end of the objection-filing period and renders written response

The objection period is complete. Instructions from the reviewing officer have been addressed.

Final Decision


  • Based on objection review and response, final Record of Decision is made by the Carson National Forest Supervisor

Summer 2022

Implementation and Monitoring


  • Forest Service implements the Plan and begins on-going monitoring

As of August 2022, new project implementation will be consistent with the revised plan. Plan monitoring occurs biennially.