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Public Motorized Travel Management Plan


In order to be compliant with the Travel Management Rule (TMR), the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests (ASNFs) has to develop a travel plan that designates the roads, trails and open areas where motorized travel is allowed. The plan must consider environmental impacts on watersheds, wildlife habitat, cultural resources and communities.

The ASNFs appreciates all of the public participation that has occurred over the past 60-days, and would like to thank everyone who provided comments and/or attended the public meetings.

The public comment period ended on October 29, 2019, however, you can still access the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documents, which includes the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), the alternatives, and the Proposed Action. The Travel Management Plan maps are also available to view and/or to download. 

The responsible official, will notify those that previously commented of the opportunity to object when the Final EIS and draft record of decision are prepared. The responsible official for this project is Rob Lever, Forest Supervisor of the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests.